The breast pump
When you plan on nursing whether its from baby to breast, baby to breast and bottle, or just using bottles, its great to know how to use a breast pump correctly and most woman at some point will use a breast pump. What is a breast pump and what does it do? A breast pump expresses milk using a similar rhythm of suction a baby would use to expel the milk. Why use a breast pump? Women use them for all types of reasons like if baby isnt emptying your breasts after a feed and you still feel full, you have a clogged duct and want to express as much milk as you can, to increase your milk supply by pumping before or after each baby to breast feed, having a over supply of milk so pumping between each feeding, moms who work away from baby and need relief at work while also having to have milk stored for the person with her baby, to build a supply of milk in your freezer if its for your baby or to donate, whenever youre separated from baby for a few hours but still ne...