Maintaining your breastmilk supply

I was recently asked about maintaining ones breastmilk supply. There are so many "tricks" advertised like lactation cookies to vitamins and certain foods. The truth is that stuff like that have very little to no actual effect on boosting milk production studys show. There are 2 proven way to increase your supply though.

1. Frequent feeding sessions
2. Skin to skin

When it comes to frequent feeding sessions that means it starts the moment baby comes out and you latch baby on the breast until the desired time you and baby decide to stop nursing. Your body needs baby to latch mouth to breast for maximum breastmilk supply. (Some woman use nipple shields fpr pain, trouble latching, inverted nipples, or flat nipples, this can cause milk production problems but not always) Prolactin is needed to make breastmilk. The ultimate way to get prolactin is mouth to boob, the stimulation helps make the milk. Then oxytocin is responsible for the release of the milk and the milk letdowns. Now to keep in mind everyone is different and everyones situation is different. Youre milk comes in faster normally with a natural birth and can be delayed with a c section. Most womens milk comes in within 4 days while some women it may take longer. These things always need to be in mind and not to let mom think shes failing at nursing early on. Babys will normally nurse every 2 to 3 hours the first few weeks (6-8 weeks) then after that its spread further and further then eventually they dont nurse through the night. As baby gets older they will nurse less frequent which will trigger your body to make less milk. Your body will only make what baby takes (some situations are different and women can get an over supply). For some women to help bring in and develop a supply you can pump or Express milk before a feeding or after a feeding. This tricks your body into thinking baby is taking more milk than he or she actually is and therefore your body makes more milk to accommodate baby.

Skin to skin helps with alot when it comes to baby but it is proven to help increase moms milk supply. Skin to skin has shown to increase the levels of oxytocin which helps with the letdown of moms milk. The best way to start skin to skin is straight after delivery and lay baby on moms chest (this isnt always possible for some moms and babies). Even when baby comes home with mom its always great to practice skin to skin everyday, frequently.

So when it comes to maintaining a milk supply there is no magic fruit or cookie or vitamin, its 2 simple steps, frequent feeding or even pumping and skin to skin.

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